Omar series- english subtitles (1-30ep)
Asalamu alaykum
I would like to recommend a beneficial Islamic drama series to you. I watched this with my family and we enjoyed this series immensely. Subhanallah, the amount of knowledge one could obtain from just watching about 3 episodes is amazing. But algamdulilah, after watching this series, i have realized how fortunate we are as muslims (esp the youth) to live in a society where we didn't have to go threw such difficult trails and tribulations in order to keep our selves and religion on the straight path. Insha-Allah may Allah (SWT) bestow his blessings on the creators and makers of this series. It was so well made and easy to follow and the actors/actresses was superb. I'm sure it would have taken a lot of time and effort to create this series. Insha-Allah, this series will benefit you as much as it did to me.
have a blessed day.
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