I've discovered this amazing youtube channel "themercifulservant" today (Jarzarkallah for the creators of the channel and makers of the videos). It has helped me significantly in my life by improving my knowledge about our beautiful religion Islam. Every video i watch touches my heart and pushes me back into seeking forgiveness from Allah (SWT). I am always reminded of our Merciful and forgiving creator.  Insha-Allah i will upload regular videos from "the merciful servant" (the ones that i have watched)

*I hope you would benefit from watching theses videos as much as i did

*Be free to check out there youtube page and subscribe annnndd share and like there videos

*And may Allah (SWT) reward the brothers and sisters behind this channel insha-Allah Ameen.

About The Channel

A reminder to every servant who turns frequently to Allah!
General Information
Powerful & Inspirational Reminders to change lives.
'Show Mercy to those on Earth, So Allah will show Mercy to you'

-sourced information from there official FB page

I'll leave you with one of the first videos i have watched so far

Jazarkallah kair and have a blessed day insha-Allah 


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