Islamic Design

"quote of the day"

Inspirational Islamic designers (deviant art) Noraalgalad  and Zohaymamontaner

Since i have a strong interest in the world of design, i wanted to post something a little different than usual today (it does still relate to Islam though)

My eyes got drawn to these two types of reasonably similar designs instantly as soon as i saw it. My knowledge on the Islamic traditional art is incredibly low, so seeing calligraphy positioned in such an artistic way or how a beautiful arabesque shape frames the calligraphic word delicately, is just breathtaking and new to me. I  love this style and how these designers added world wide Islamic interpretation into there work as well. Yes if you firstly glance at there work you are amazed by just the "design" but if you think more deeply about the design- text, colour, composition, positive-negative space, background, font etc.......  you'll end up realizing that you can't keep your eyes away from it.

That's all i'll blabber on about today

Enjoy browsing through these two designers artwork. It would be much appreciated if you could show your support by following there deviant art pages, or follow them through there other pages insha-Allah.

designer (Noraalgalad)

designer Zohaymamontaner

Jazarkallah kair


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